- Triple Modular Redundancy is widely used in dependable systems design to ensure high reliability against soft errors. Conventional TMR is effective in protecting sequential circu...
Wei Chen, Rui Gong, Fang Liu, Kui Dai, Zhiying Wan...
This paper presents the adoption of the Triple Modular Redundancy coupled with the Partial Dynamic Reconfiguration of Field Programmable Gate Arrays to mitigate the effects of Sof...
Cristiana Bolchini, Antonio Miele, Marco D. Santam...
This paper discusses fault-tolerant techniques for SRAM-based FPGAs. These techniques can be based on circuit level modifications, with obvious modifications in the programmable a...
Fernanda Lima Kastensmidt, Gustavo Neuberger, Luig...
With the technology entering the nano dimension, manufacturing processes are less and less reliable, thus drastically impacting the yield. A possible solution to alleviate this pr...
Julien Vial, Alberto Bosio, Patrick Girard, Christ...