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Abstract. We design a succinct full-text index based on the idea of Huffmancompressing the text and then applying the Burrows-Wheeler transform over it. The resulting structure can...
The AC-3 algorithm is a basic and widely used arc consistency enforcing algorithm in Constraint Satisfaction Problems (CSP). Its strength lies in that it is simple, empirically ef...
Pseudoknots are widely occurring structural motifs in RNA. Pseudoknots have been shown to be functionally important in different RNAs which play regulatory, catalytic, or structur...
Jitender S. Deogun, Ruben Donts, Olga Komina, Fang...
An algorithm for computing the maximum area empty isothetic orthoconvex polygon among a set of n points in a rectangular region, is presented. The worst case time and space comple...
Subhas C. Nandy, Krishnendu Mukhopadhyaya, Bhargab...
In thispaper we introduce a new class of dynamicgraphalgorithmscalledquasi-fully dynamic algorithms,which are much more general than the backtracking algorithmsand are much simple...
We present a solution to the problem of regular expression searching on compressed text. The format we choose is the Ziv-Lempel family, speci cally the LZ78 and LZW variants. Give...
Abstract. We present a bit-parallel technique to search a text of length n for a regular expression of m symbols permitting k differences in worst case time O(mn/ logk s), where s...