

Bilateral Teleoperation of Multiple Cooperative Robots over Delayed Communication Networks: Theory

14 years 8 months ago
Bilateral Teleoperation of Multiple Cooperative Robots over Delayed Communication Networks: Theory
Abstract— We propose a control framework for the bilateral teleoperation between a single master robot and multiple cooperative slave robots with communication-delay in the master-slave communication channel. Using passive decomposition, we first decompose the dynamics of multiple slaves into two decoupled systems while preserving energetic passivity: the shape system describing cooperative grasping aspect, and the locked system representing overall behavior of the multiple slaves. Then, by locally controlling the decoupled shape system with the cancellation of disturbances on it, secure and tight (and possibly fixtureless) cooperative grasping can be achieved regardless of the communication-delay and human command. We also construct a bilateral teleoperation loop between the master and the locked system s.t., by operating the master, a human operator can control the overall behavior of the multiple slaves and the grasped object while perceiving environmental forces acting on them....
Dongjun Lee, Mark W. Spong
Added 25 Jun 2010
Updated 25 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2005
Where ICRA
Authors Dongjun Lee, Mark W. Spong
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