

Developing a Modular Active Spherical Vision System

14 years 8 months ago
Developing a Modular Active Spherical Vision System
- This paper introduces a modular, real-time, omnidirectional, active vision system, as well as a constructed prototype. By combining omnidirectional and active pan-tilt cameras, a robust vision system is created that builds on the strengths of each camera type. The system can be easily configured to provide nearly an entire spherical field of view and independently track several targets of interest within the environment. The novel design allows the camera modules to be stacked, creating a vertical sensor structure. This vertical arrangement also provides a simple solution to the epipolar geometry and triangulation for target localization. Applications for this modular system can range from simple mobile robot navigation to complex multi-target tracking and surveillance.
Nicholas D. Jankovic, Michael D. Naish
Added 25 Jun 2010
Updated 25 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2005
Where ICRA
Authors Nicholas D. Jankovic, Michael D. Naish
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