

Evolutionary Morphing

14 years 7 months ago
Evolutionary Morphing
We introduce a technique to visualize the gradual evolutionary change of the shapes of living things as a morph between known three-dimensional shapes. Given geometric computer models of anatomical shapes for some collection of specimens - here the skulls of the some of the extant members of a family of monkeys - an evolutionary tree for the group implies a hypothesis about the way in which the shape changed through time. We use a statistical model which expresses the value of some continuous variable at an internal point in the tree as a weighted average of the values at the leaves. The framework of geometric morphometrics can then be used to define a shape-space, based on the correspondences of landmark points on the surfaces, within which these weighted averages can be realized as actual surfaces. Our software provides tools for performing and visualizing such an analysis in three dimensions. Beginning with laser range scans of crania, we use our landmark editor to interactively p...
David F. Wiley, Nina Amenta, Dan A. Alcantara, Deb
Added 25 Jun 2010
Updated 25 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2005
Authors David F. Wiley, Nina Amenta, Dan A. Alcantara, Deboshmita Ghosh, Yong Joo Kil, Eric Delson, Will Harcourt-Smith, Katherine St. John, F. James Rohlf, Bernd Hamann
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