

Equisolvability of Series vs. Controller's Topology in Synchronous Language Equations

14 years 8 months ago
Equisolvability of Series vs. Controller's Topology in Synchronous Language Equations
Given a plant Å and a specification Å , the largest solution of the FSM equation Å ¯ Å Å contains all possible discrete controllers Å . Often we are interested in computing the complete solutions whose composition with the plant is exactly equivalent to the specification. Not every solution contained in the largest one satisfies such property, that holds instead for the complete solutions of the series topology. We study the relation between the solvability of an equation for the series topology and of the corresponding equation for the controller’s topology. We establish that, if Å is a deterministic FSM, then the FSM equation Å ¯ Å Å is solvable for the series topology with an unknown head component iff it is solvable for the controller’s topology. Our proof is constructive, i.e., for a given solution Å of the series topology it shows how to build a solution Å of the controller’s topology and viceversa.
Nina Yevtushenko, Tiziano Villa, Robert K. Brayton
Added 04 Jul 2010
Updated 04 Jul 2010
Type Conference
Year 2003
Where DATE
Authors Nina Yevtushenko, Tiziano Villa, Robert K. Brayton, Alexandre Petrenko, Alberto L. Sangiovanni-Vincentelli
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