

The Roles of Shape and Motion in Dynamic Manipulation: the Butterfly Example

14 years 7 months ago
The Roles of Shape and Motion in Dynamic Manipulation: the Butterfly Example
We are studying a juggler's skill called the "butterfly." Startingwith a ball resting on the palm of his/her open hand, a skilled juggler can accelerate and shape his/her hand so that the ball rolls up the fingers, over the top, and back down to theback of the hand. This paper describes a roboticimplementationof the butterfly. The hand'sshape andmotioncombine to effect the rolling motion of the ball, and we find that the shape and motion parameters enter the dynamic equations in a similar way. We define parameterized spaces of hand shapes and motions, and using a simulation based on the rollingequations, we identifyshape and motion solutions that roll the ball from one side of the hand to the other. We describe an implementationof the butterfly on our planar dynamicmanipulationtestbed FLATLAND. This example is our first step toward exploring the roles of shape and motion in dynamic manipulation.
Kevin M. Lynch, Naoji Shiroma, Hirohiko Arai, Kazu
Added 04 Aug 2010
Updated 04 Aug 2010
Type Conference
Year 1998
Where ICRA
Authors Kevin M. Lynch, Naoji Shiroma, Hirohiko Arai, Kazuo Tanie
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