

Slack redistribution for graceful degradation under voltage overscaling

14 years 10 days ago
Slack redistribution for graceful degradation under voltage overscaling
Modern digital IC designs have a critical operating point, or "wall of slack", that limits voltage scaling. Even with an errortolerance mechanism, scaling voltage below a critical voltage - so-called overscaling - results in more timing errors than can be effectively detected or corrected. This limits the effectiveness of voltage scaling in trading off system reliability and power. We propose a designlevel approach to trading off reliability and voltage (power) in, e.g., microprocessor designs. We increase the range of voltage values at which the (timing) error rate is acceptable; we achieve this through techniques for power-aware slack redistribution that shift the timing slack of frequently-exercised, near-critical timing paths in a power- and area-efficient manner. The resulting designs heuristically minimize the voltage at which the maximum allowable error rate is encountered, thus minimizing power consumption for a prescribed maximum error rate and allowing the design to...
Andrew B. Kahng, Seokhyeong Kang, Rakesh Kumar, Jo
Added 10 Feb 2011
Updated 10 Feb 2011
Type Journal
Year 2010
Authors Andrew B. Kahng, Seokhyeong Kang, Rakesh Kumar, John Sartori
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