

Bee-inspired foraging in an embodied swarm

13 years 2 months ago
Bee-inspired foraging in an embodied swarm
We show the emergence of Swarm Intelligence in physical robots. We transfer an optimization algorithm which is based on beeforaging behavior to a robotic swarm. In simulation this algorithm has already been shown to be more effective, scalable and adaptive than algorithms inspired by ant foraging. In addition to this advantage, bee-inspired foraging does not require (de-)centralized simulation of environmental parameters (e.g. pheromones). Categories and Subject Descriptors I.2.11 [Distributed Artificial Intelligence]: Multiagent systems General Terms Algorithms, Experimentation Keywords Swarm Intelligence, Foraging, Swarm Robotics Online material
Sjriek Alers, Daan Bloembergen, Daniel Hennes, Ste
Added 12 Dec 2011
Updated 12 Dec 2011
Type Journal
Year 2011
Where ATAL
Authors Sjriek Alers, Daan Bloembergen, Daniel Hennes, Steven de Jong, Michael Kaisers, Nyree Lemmens, Karl Tuyls, Gerhard Weiss
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