The high transistor density afforded by modern VLSI processes have enabled the design of embedded processors that use clustered execution units to deliver high levels of performan...
— For multimedia applications, loop buffering is an efficient mechanism to reduce the power in the instruction memory of embedded processors. In particular, software controlled ...
Tom Vander Aa, Murali Jayapala, Francisco Barat, G...
Very Long Instruction Word (VLIW) processors are a popular choice in embedded domain due to their hardware simplicity, low cost and low power consumption. Simultaneous MultiThreadi...
Multimedia processing on embedded devices requires an architecture that leads to high performance, low power consumption, reduced design complexity, and small code size. In this p...
Reduced energy consumption is one of the most important design goals for embedded application domains like wireless, multimedia and biomedical. Instruction memory hierarchy has be...
Praveen Raghavan, Andy Lambrechts, Murali Jayapala...