Reversible logic has applications in many fields, including quantum computing. Synthesis techniques for reversible circuits are not well developed, even for functions with a small...
- We present fast algorithms to synthesize exact minimal reversible circuits for various types of gates and costs. By reducing reversible logic synthesis problems to group theory p...
Guowu Yang, Xiaoyu Song, William N. N. Hung, Marek...
Reversible, or information-lossless, circuits have applications in digital signal processing, communication, computer graphics and cryptography. They are also a fundamental requir...
Vivek V. Shende, Aditya K. Prasad, Igor L. Markov,...
A digital combinational logic circuit is reversible if it maps each input pattern to a unique output pattern. Such circuits are of interest in quantum computing, optical computing...
D. Michael Miller, Dmitri Maslov, Gerhard W. Dueck