Three-dimensional integrated circuits are a promising approach to address the integration challenges faced by current Systems on Chips (SoCs). Designing an efficient Network on C...
—Multiprocessor System on Chip (MPSoC) architecture is rapidly gaining momentum for modern embedded devices. The vulnerabilities in software on MPSoCs are often exploited to caus...
Krutartha Patel, Sri Parameswaran, Roshan G. Ragel
— Exploding health care demands and costs of aging and stressed populations necessitate the use of more in-home monitoring and personalized health care. Electronics hold great pr...
Wolfgang Eberle, Ashwin S. Mecheri, Thi Kim Thoa N...
Everybody agrees that curing DFM/DFY issues is of paramount importance at 65 nanometers and beyond. Unfortunately, there is disagreement about how and when to cure them. “Surgeo...
Marco Casale-Rossi, Andrzej J. Strojwas, Robert C....
Cutting-edge applications of future embedded systems demand highest processor performance with low power consumption to get acceptable battery-life times. Therefore, low power opt...
Anupam Chattopadhyay, B. Geukes, David Kammler, Er...