Today's high-performance single-chip CMOS microprocessors are the most complex and challenging chip designs ever implemented. To stay on the leading edge, Digital's micro...
Recent years have seen the rapid development of microsensor technology, system on chip design, wireless technology and ubiquitous computing. When assembled into a complex microsys...
L. Wang, Nizamettin Aydin, A. Astaras, M. Ahmadian...
—Photodynamic therapy (PDT) is a method of treating cancer that combines light and light-sensitive drugs to selectively destroy cancerous tumours without harming the healthy tiss...
Jason Luu, Keith Redmond, William Lo, Paul Chow, L...
This paper investigates sequential robotic microassembly for the construction of 3D micro-electro-mechanical systems (MEMS) structures using a 3D visual servoing approach. The pre...
ion model or flexible PCB solutions cannot offer a valid solution for the next millinium SoCs . James G. Dougherty, Integrated Systems Silicon LTD, Belfast, Northern Ireland ISS an...
Richard Goering, Pierre Bricaud, James G. Doughert...