Clustering is an effective microarchitectural technique for reducing the impact of wire delays, the complexity, and the power requirements of microprocessors. In this work, we inv...
Joan-Manuel Parcerisa, Julio Sahuquillo, Antonio G...
Prior work on modeling interconnects has focused on optimizing the wire and repeater design for trading off energy and delay, and is largely based on low level circuit parameters....
Rahul Nagpal, Arvind Madan, Bharadwaj Amrutur, Y. ...
- For modern processor designs in nanometer technologies, both block and interconnect pipelining are needed to achieve multi-gigahertz clock frequency, but previous approaches cons...
Yuchun Ma, Zhuoyuan Li, Jason Cong, Xianlong Hong,...
One of the most important problems faced by microarchitecture designers is the poor scalability of some of the current solutions with increased clock frequencies and wider pipelin...
Recently a class of scalable multi-star optical networks is proposed in [2]. In this class of networks nodes are grouped into clusters. Each cluster employs a separate pair of bro...