The ongoing technological advances in the semiconductor industry make Multi-Processor System-on-a-Chips (MPSoCs) more attractive, because uniprocessor solutions do not scale satis...
Roman Obermaisser, Hubert Kraut, Christian El Sall...
Real-time Garbage Collection (RTGC) has recently advanced to the point where it is being used in production for financial trading, military command-and-control, and telecommunicat...
Joshua S. Auerbach, David F. Bacon, Perry Cheng, D...
We present HybridOS, a set of operating system extensions for supporting fine-grained reconfigurable accelerators integrated with general-purpose computing platforms. HybridOS spe...
This paper presents a morphological lexicon for English that handle more than 317000 inflected forms derived from over 90000 stems. The lexicon is available in two formats. The fi...
Daniel Karp, Yves Schabes, Martin Zaidel, Dania Eg...
Given the increasing complexity of multi-processor systems-onchip, a wide range of parameters must be tuned to find the best trade-offs in terms of the selected system figures of ...
Giovanni Mariani, Aleksandar Brankovic, Gianluca P...