In high-performance wide-issue microprocessors the access time, energy and area of the register file are often critical to overall performance. This is because these pararmeters g...
The instruction scheduling logic used in modern superscalar microprocessors often relies on associative searching of the issue queue entries to dynamically wakeup instructions for...
Joseph J. Sharkey, Dmitry V. Ponomarev, Kanad Ghos...
A large multi-ported register file is indispensable for exploiting instruction level parallelism (ILP) in today's dynamically scheduled superscalar processors. The number of ...
The instruction queue is a critical component and performance bottleneck in superscalar microprocessors. Conventional designs use physical register identifiers to wake up instruct...
Dynamic instruction scheduling logic is one of the most critical components of modern superscalar microprocessors, both from the delay and power dissipation standpoints. The delay ...
Joseph J. Sharkey, Dmitry Ponomarev, Kanad Ghose, ...