Available techniques for testing core-based systems-on-a-chip (SOCs) do not provide a systematic means for synthesising low-overhead test architectures and compact test solutions....
Srivaths Ravi, Ganesh Lakshminarayana, Niraj K. Jh...
The deluge of huge data sets such as those provided by
sensor networks, online transactions, and the web provide
exciting opportunities for data analysis. The scale of the
data ...
ion model or flexible PCB solutions cannot offer a valid solution for the next millinium SoCs . James G. Dougherty, Integrated Systems Silicon LTD, Belfast, Northern Ireland ISS an...
Richard Goering, Pierre Bricaud, James G. Doughert...
We present a viewpoint-based approach for the quick fusion of multiple stereo depth maps. Our method selects depth estimates for each pixel that minimize violations of visibility ...
Paul Merrell, Amir Akbarzadeh, Liang Wang, Philipp...
Computational complexity has been the primary challenge of many VLSI CAD applications. The emerging multicore and manycore microprocessors have the potential to offer scalable perf...