—Decoupling capacitors (decaps) are a popular means for reducing power-supply noise in integrated circuits. Since the decaps are usually inserted in the whitespace of the device ...
— Decoupling capacitors (decaps) are typically used to reduce the noise in the power supply network. Because the delay of gates and interconnects is affected by the supply voltag...
Decoupling capacitors are widely used to reduce power supply noise. On-chip decoupling capacitors have traditionally been allocated into the white space available on a die or place...
Mikhail Popovich, Michael Sotman, Avinoam Kolodny,...
Switching activity-generated power-supply grid-noise presents a major obstacle to the reduction of supply voltage in future generation semiconductor technologies. A popular techniq...
— We propose a sensitivity-based method to allocate decaps incorporating leakage constraints and tighter data and clock interactions. The proposed approach attempts to allocate d...