Many future shared-memory multiprocessor servers will both target commercial workloads and use highly-integrated “glueless” designs. Implementing low-latency cache coherence i...
Despite large caches, main-memory access latencies still cause significant performance losses in many applications. Numerous hardware and software prefetching schemes tolerate th...
Zhenlin Wang, Doug Burger, Steven K. Reinhardt, Ka...
Value prediction exploits localities in value streams. Previous research focused on exploiting two types of value localities, computational and context-based, in the local value h...
In 1986, Franceschini et al. built an optronic velocity sensor [11], the principle of which was based on the findings they had recently made on fly EMDs by performing electrophysio...
Test pattern decompression techniques are bounded with the algorithm of test pattern ordering and test data flow controlling. Some of the methods could have more sophisticated sor...