The UT Austin Villa team, from the University of Texas at Austin, won the 2015 RoboCup 3D Simulation League, winning all 19 games that the team played. During the course of the com...
Patrick MacAlpine, Josiah Hanna, Jason Liang, Pete...
In this paper a new robot is presented which was designed especially for RoboCup soccer. It is an approach to evolve from the standard Darwin based skeleton towards a robot with mo...
Marc Bestmann, Bente Reichardt, Florens Wasserfall
This paper describes a novel system for enabling a humanoid robot to balance on highly dynamic terrain using fuzzy logic. We evaluate this system by programming Jimmy, a small, hum...
Chris Iverach-Brereton, Jacky Baltes, Brittany Pos...
Abstract— Graph-based Simultaneous Localization and Mapping (SLAM) refers to formulate SLAM by a graph model whose nodes represent poses of the robot and whose edges represent co...
— In this work, the open-source plugin OpenMRH is presented for the Open Robotics Automation Virtual Environment (OpenRAVE), a simulation environment for testing, developing and ...
— This paper proposes a novel compressive sensing based perceptual hashing algorithm for visual tracking. Tracking object is represented by compressive perceptual hashing feature...