A new method is presented for use in simulating samples of disease and normal chromosomes bearing multiple linked genetic markers under a neutral model of mutation, genetic drift, ...
There has been considerable recent interest in the use of haplotype structure to aid in the design and analysis of case-control association studies searching for genetic predictors...
It is widely anticipated that the study of variation in the human genome will provide a means of predicting risk of a variety of complex diseases. Single nucleotide polymorphisms (...
A current high-priority phase of human genomics involves the development of a full Haplotype Map of the human genome [23]. It will be used in large-scale screens of populations to...
We propose a framework for modeling sequence motifs based on the maximum entropy principle (MEP). We recommend approximating short sequence motif distributions with the maximum en...
We develop a new framework for inferring models of transcriptional regulation. The models in this approach, which we call physical models, are constructed on the basis of verifiab...
A few models have appeared in recent years that consider not only the way substitutions occur through evolutionary history at each site of a genome, but also the way the process c...
It is shown that structural similarity between proteins can be decided well with much less information than what is used in common similarity measures. The full C representation c...
Although analysis of genome rearrangements was pioneered by Dobzhansky and Sturtevant 65 years ago, we still know very little about the rearrangement events that produced the exis...