— This paper describes a variety of methods that can be used to create realistic, random 3D environments for serious games requiring real-time performance. These include the gene...
Jeremy Noghani, Fotis Liarokapis, Eike Falk Anders...
- Serious games can help in training medical first responders by providing emergency simulations which are always available, safer and possibly cheaper than real-world simulations....
Alberto Cabas Vidani, Luca Chittaro, Elio Carchiet...
—Mass adoption of virtual world platforms for education and training implies efficient management of computational resources. In Second Life Grid and OpenSimulator, commonly used...
Andreas Vilela, Marcio Cardoso, Daniel Martins, Ar...
Abstract. Bounding the price of stability of undirected network design games with fair cost allocation is a challenging open problem in the Algorithmic Game Theory research agenda....
The solution to a Nash or a nonsymmetric bargaining game is obtained by maximizing a concave function over a convex set, i.e., it is the solution to a convex program. We show that...
Fictitious play is a simple learning algorithm for strategic games that proceeds in rounds. In each round, the players play a best response to a mixed strategy that is given by the...
We consider the computational complexity of coalitional solution concepts in scenarios related to load balancing such as anonymous and congestion games. In congestion games, Paret...
Abstract. We consider the existence of Partition Equilibrium in Resource Selection Games. Super-strong equilibrium, where no subset of players has an incentive to change their stra...
The class of weakly acyclic games, which includes potential games and dominance-solvable games, captures many practical application domains. Informally, a weakly acyclic game is on...
Alex Fabrikant, Aaron D. Jaggard, Michael Schapira
Abstract. One reason for wanting to compute an (approximate) Nash equilibrium of a game is to predict how players will play. However, if the game has multiple equilibria that are f...