Goal recognition design involves the offline analysis of goal recognition models by formulating measures that assess the ability to perform goal recognition within a model and ï¬...
Knowledge graph completion aims to perform link prediction between entities. In this paper, we consider the approach of knowledge graph embeddings. Recently, models such as TransE...
Yankai Lin, Zhiyuan Liu, Maosong Sun, Yang Liu, Xu...
Image clustering and visual codebook learning are two fundamental problems in computer vision and they are tightly related. On one hand, a good codebook can generate effective fea...
With the rise of social media, learning from informal text has become increasingly important. We present a novel semantic lexicon induction approach that is able to learn new voca...
Ashequl Qadir, Pablo N. Mendes, Daniel Gruhl, Neal...
We study Refer-to-as relations as a new type of semantic knowledge. Compared to the much studied Is-a relation, which concerns factual taxonomic knowledge, Refer-to-as relations a...
Song Feng, Sujith Ravi, Ravi Kumar, Polina Kuznets...
Personal photos are enjoying explosive growth with the popularity of photo-taking devices and social media. The vast amount of online photos largely exhibit users’ interests, em...
The Best Laid Plans is an interactive narrative video game that uses cognitive-inspired fast planning techniques to generate stories with conflict during play. Players alternate ...
Stephen G. Ware, Robert Michael Young, Christian S...
In cooperative game theory, it is typically assumed that the value of each coalition is known. We depart from this, assuming that v(S) is only a noisy estimate of the true value V...
Emotion affects our understanding of the opinions and sentiments of others. Research has demonstrated that humans are able to recognize emotions in various domains, including spee...
Biqiao Zhang, Emily Mower Provost, Robert Swedberg...
General Game Playing is the design of AI systems able to understand the rules of new games and to use such descriptions to play those games effectively. Games with incomplete info...