Manyreal-world planning problems require generating plans that maximizethe parallelism inherent in a problem. There are a numberof partial-order planners that generate such plans;...
Informationgathering requires locating and integrating data froma set of distributed informationsources. These sources maycontain overlapping data and can comefrom different types...
Effective task-level control is critical for robots that are to engage in purposeful activity in realworld environments. This paper describes PRSLite, a task-level controller grou...
Planning for manufacturing workpiecesis a complex task that requires the interaction of a domain-specific reasoner and a generic planning mechanism.In this paper wepresent an arch...
Despite the long history of classical planning, there has been very little comparative analysis of the performance tradeoffs offered by the multitude of existing planning algorith...
Subgoal interactions have received considerable attention in AI Planning. Earlier analyses by Korf [11] and Joslin and Roach [6] were done in terms of the topology of the space of...
Subbarao Kambhampati, Laurie H. Ihrig, Biplav Sriv...
Aimsof traditional planners had beenlimited to finding a sequenceof operators rather than finding an optimal or neax-optimalfinal state. Consequent]y, the performanceimprovementsy...