An intelligent problem solver must be able to decompose a complex problem into simpler parts. A decomposition algorithm would not only be bene cial for traditional subgoal-oriente...
Thispaperdescribesthe use of superveniencein integrating planningand reaction in complex,dynamicenvironments. ienceis a formof abstractionwithaffinities both action in AIplannings...
Autonomousmobile robots need to detect potential failures reliably and react appropriately. Dueto uncertainties about the robots and their environment,it is extremelydifficult to ...
Protection monitors synthesized from plan causal structure provide execution systems with information necessary to detect potential failures early during execution. By detecting e...
Generating production-quality plans is an essential element in transforming planners from research tools into real-world applications. However most of the work to date on learning...
When a plan involves hundreds or thousands of events over time it can be di cult or impossible to tell whether those events are unfolding \according to plan" and to assess th...
Weintroduce a method of deduction-based refinement planning where prefabricated general solutions are adapted to special problems. Refmementproceeds by stepwise transforming nonco...