We present an algorithm for solving a general min-cut, twoway partitioning problem subject to timing constraints. The problem is formulated as a constrained programming problem an...
-- The experience of designing and employing two benchmark circuits to improve the quality of a standard cell library is reported. It isfound that most of the errors can be uncover...
The spectral method can lead to a high quality of multi-way partition due to its ability to capture global netlist information. For spectral partition, n netlist modules are mappe...
-- This paper proposes an approach to reduce the short circuit current of CMOS off-chip drivers by individually controlling the input slew rates 10 the P and N channel transistors ...
Abstract Due to the large variety of di erent embedded processor types, retargetable software development tools, such as compilers and simulators, have received attention recently....
– In this paper, we introduce a high-speed and low power Phase-Frequency Detector (PFD) that is designed using modified TSPC (True Single-Phase Clock) positive edge triggered D f...
: This paper presents a genetic algorithm based approach for algebraic optimization of behavioral system specifications. We introduce a chromosomal representation of data-flow gr...