Modern embedded processors use small and simple branch predictors to improve performance. Using complex and accurate branch predictors, while desirable, is not possible as such pre...
Computer architecture research in academia and industry is heavily reliant on simulation studies. While microprocessor companies have the resources to develop highly detailed simu...
Branch prediction mechanisms are becoming commonplace within current generation processors. Dynamic branch predictors, albeit able to predict branches quite accurately in average,...
Although high branch prediction accuracy is necessary for high performance, it typically comes at the cost of larger predictor tables and/or more complex prediction algorithms. Un...
Resit Sendag, Joshua J. Yi, Peng-fei Chuang, David...
With technology advancing toward deep submicron, leakage energy is of increasing concern, especially for large onchip array structures such as caches and branch predictors. Recent...
Zhigang Hu, Philo Juang, Kevin Skadron, Douglas W....