Animation authoring involves an author's interaction with a scene, resulting in varying scene complexity for a given animation sequence. In such a varying environment, detecti...
Parag Agarwal, Srinivas Rajagopalan, B. Prabhakara...
A random access protocol named ALLIANCES was recently proposed, that achieves high throughput by resolving collisions in wireless networks. ALLIANCES exploits diversity provided b...
In this paper we consider the novel idea of closest feature maps (CFMs) applied to refinable collision response in order to address the potential issues and problems associated wi...
In sensor networks communication by broadcast methods involves many hazards, especially collision. Several MAC layer protocols have been proposed to resolve the problem of collisi...
Current medium access control mechanisms are based on collision avoidance and collided packets are discarded. The recent work on ZigZag decoding departs from this approach by recov...
Ali ParandehGheibi, Jay Kumar Sundararajan, Muriel...
: Reliably recognizing objects approaching on a collision course is extremely important. In this paper, a synthetic vision system is proposed to tackle the problem of collision rec...
A wireless transmitter learns of a packet loss, infers collision, only after completing the entire transmission. If the transmitter could detect the collision early (such as with ...
Souvik Sen, Romit Roy Choudhury, Srihari Nelakudit...
This paper presents an approach to collision detection and response for dynamically deforming pointbased objects. Both the volume of an object and its surface are represented by p...
In this article we find collisions for step-reduced SHA-256. We develop a differential that holds with high probability if the message satisfies certain conditions. We solve the eq...