Online production groups have the potential to transform the way that knowledge is produced and disseminated. One of the most widely used forms of online production is the wiki, w...
Previous research suggests working on multiple projects may lead to stress and misallocation of attention. A modest redesign of Instant Messenger (IM) could help team members jugg...
Peter Scupelli, Sara B. Kiesler, Susan R. Fussell,...
In this paper we report an ethnographic study of workarounds--informal temporary practices for handling exceptions to normal workflow--in a hospital environment. Workarounds are a...
Marina Kobayashi, Susan R. Fussell, Yan Xiao, F. J...
Cyberinfrastructures bring together distributed resources to support scientific discoveries. Cyberinfrastructures currently under development are intended to enable the cooperativ...
Wikipedia, a wiki-based encyclopedia, has become one of the most successful experiments in collaborative knowledge building on the Internet. As Wikipedia continues to grow, the po...
Aniket Kittur, Bongwon Suh, Bryan A. Pendleton, Ed...
Arizona State University's Arts, Media, and Engineering Program is currently addressing the need to assess the growth of group creativity in trans-disciplinary collaboration....
Lisa M. Tolentino, Aisling Kelliher, David Birchfi...
Established researchers and practitioners active in the development and deployment of media spaces review what seemed to be promised twenty years ago, what has actually been achie...
Ronald Baecker, Steve R. Harrison, William Buxton,...
Wikis are sites that support the development of emergent, collective infrastructures that are highly flexible and open, suggesting that the systems that use them will be egalitari...
Wikis are collaborative systems in which virtually anyone can edit anything. Although wikis have become highly popular in many domains, their mutable nature often leads them to be...
Bongwon Suh, Ed H. Chi, Aniket Kittur, Bryan A. Pe...
As the amount of data being generated in biology has increased, a major challenge has been how to store and represent this data in a way that makes it easily accessible to researc...
Michael Backhaus, Janet Kelso, Joshua Bacher, Hein...