
184views more  CVIU 2010»
14 years 26 days ago
Vision and RFID data fusion for tracking people in crowds by a mobile robot
In this paper, we address the problem of realizing a human following task in a crowded environment. We consider an active perception system, consisting of a camera mounted on a pa...
Thierry Germa, Frédéric Lerasle, Nou...
116views Robotics» more  ICRA 2009»
14 years 1 months ago
A switching active sensing strategy to maintain observability for vision-based formation control
Abstract-- Vision-based control of a robot formation is challenging because the on-board sensor (camera) only provides the view-angle to the other moving robots, but not the distan...
Gian Luca Mariottini, Simone Martini, Magnus Egers...
185views Robotics» more  ICRA 2010»
14 years 1 months ago
Autonomous flight at low altitude with vision-based collision avoidance and GPS-based path following
The ability to fly at low altitude while actively avoiding collisions with the terrain and other objects is a great challenge for small unmanned aircraft. This paper builds on top ...
Jean-Christophe Zufferey, Antoine Beyeler, Dario F...
145views Robotics» more  ICRA 2010»
14 years 1 months ago
A control strategy for operating unknown constrained mechanisms
Abstract-- This work aims at the development of a versatile control strategy for operating unknown mechanically constrained devices such as drawers or doors. Few assumptions on the...
Ewald Lutscher, Martin Lawitzky, Gordon Cheng, San...
134views Robotics» more  ICRA 2010»
14 years 2 months ago
Generalized Bilateral MIMO Control by States Convergence with time delay and application for the teleoperation of a 2-DOF helico
— Bilateral Control by States Convergence is a novel and little exploited control strategy that has been successfully applied to the teleoperation of robotic manipulators using S...
Claudia Pérez-D'Arpino, Wilfredis Medina Me...
115views more  RAS 2002»
14 years 3 months ago
Performance evaluation and optimization of human control strategy
Modeling human control strategy (HCS) is becoming an increasingly popular paradigm in a number of different research areas, ranging from robotics and intelligent vehicle highway s...
Yangsheng Xu, Jingyan Song, Michael C. Nechyba, Ye...
92views more  PRESENCE 2002»
14 years 3 months ago
Effect of Turning Strategy on Maneuvering Ability Using the Treadport Locomotion Interface
Turning strategies on the Sarcos Treadport, a linear treadmill locomotion interface, are developed and compared in a tight maneuvering task. A rate control strategy employing side...
Abhijeet Vijayakar, John M. Hollerbach
92views more  AUTOMATICA 2006»
14 years 3 months ago
Robust control strategies for multi-inventory systems with average flow constraints
In this paper we consider multi
Dario Bauso, Franco Blanchini, Raffaele Pesenti
121views more  AR 2007»
14 years 3 months ago
Experimental realization of dynamic walking for a human-riding biped robot, HUBO FX-1
This paper describes a control strategy of the stable walking for the human-riding biped
Jung-Yup Kim, Jungho Lee, Jun-Ho Oh
135views Control Systems» more  CDC 2009»
14 years 6 months ago
The hybrid intelligent control for the fused magnesia production
—The electro-fused magnesia furnace is one of the main equipments used to produce electro-fused magnesia which is high performance refractory. Due to the multivariable, strong no...
Yongjian Wu, Zhiwei Wu, Bin Dong, Li Zhang, Tianyo...