Agents make up an important part of game worlds, ranging from the characters and monsters that live in the world to the armies that the player controls. Despite their importance, a...
The efficacy of two evolutionary approaches to the problem of generation of heuristical linear and non-linear evaluation functions in the game of give-away checkers is tested in th...
This paper explores the idea that future game consoles and computers may no longer be single processor units, but instead symmetrical multiprocessor units. If this were to occur g...
This paper is an addition to the discourse surrounding interface theory and pervasive games. A buzzword by nature, the term ´interface´ needs to be investigated and redefined in...
Despite the fact that there are currently a number of enjoyable digital games in which light plays a key role, we lack a vocabulary with which to discuss simulated illumination in...
The increasing popularity of persistent worlds and the predicted rise of pervasive gaming, both having a strong inherent potential for role-playing, stress a classical challenge o...
The stories vs. games debate has been prominent during the early years of game studies, and few other perspectives have been introduced to the discussion. In the paper, Game Resea...
At the center of the video game experience is the interface. Before a player grabs the first powerup or meets the first obstacle, the would-be-adventurer must accept the limitatio...
Our goal in this work has been to bring together the entertaining and flow characteristics of video game environments with proven learning theories to advance the state of the art ...
Jason Tan, Chris Beers, Ruchi Gupta, Gautam Biswas
We study the ‘background traffic’ resulting from tens of thousands of networked first person shooter (FPS) clients searching for servers on which to play. Networked, multiplay...
Sebastian Zander, David Kennedy, Grenville J. Armi...