Background: Gender differences in gene expression were estimated in liver samples from 9 males and 9 females. The study tested 31,110 genes for a gender difference using a design ...
Robert R. Delongchamp, Cruz Velasco, Stacey Dial, ...
Background: The extensive use of DNA microarray technology in the characterization of the cell transcriptome is leading to an ever increasing amount of microarray data from cancer...
Background: A promising direction in the analysis of gene expression focuses on the changes in expression of specific predefined sets of genes that are known in advance to be rela...
Background: A common feature of microarray experiments is the occurence of missing gene expression data. These missing values occur for a variety of reasons, in particular, becaus...
Brian D. M. Tom, Walter R. Gilks, Elizabeth T. Bro...
Background: Cells react to changing intra- and extracellular signals by dynamically modulating complex biochemical networks. Cellular responses to extracellular signals lead to ch...
Mansour Taghavi Azar Sharabiani, Markku Siermala, ...
Background: As genomes evolve after speciation, gene content, coding sequence, gene expression, and splicing all diverge with time from ancestors with close relatives. A minimum e...
Roald Rossnes, Ingvar Eidhammer, David A. Liberles
Background: Quality-control is an important issue in the analysis of gene expression microarrays. One type of problem is regional bias, in which one region of a chip shows artifac...
Background: A large number of papers have been published on analysis of microarray data with particular emphasis on normalization of data, detection of differentially expressed ge...
Background: Interpretation of simple microarray experiments is usually based on the fold-change of gene expression between a reference and a "treated" sample where the t...
Julie L. Morrison, Rainer Breitling, Desmond J. Hi...
Background: In testing for differential gene expression involving multiple serial analysis of gene expression (SAGE) libraries, it is critical to account for both between and with...