In this paper we analyze the problem of adaptivity for one-step numerical methods for solving ODEs, both IVPs and BVPs, with a view to generating grids of minimal computational co...
We here present and evaluate relative accounting, an autonomous accounting scheme that provides accurate results even when the parties (consumer and provider) do not trust each ot...
The continuous increasing in performance requirements, for both scientic computation and industry, motivates the need of a powerful computing infrastructure. The Grid appeared as ...
On the classical discrete grid, the analysis of digital straight lines (DSL for short) has been intensively studied for nearly half a century. In this article, we are interested i...
: Over the last few years, several nations around the world have set up Grids to share resources such as computers, data, and instruments to enable collaborative science, engineeri...
The multi-block overset grid method is a powerful technique for high-fidelity computational fluid dynamics (CFD) simulations about complex aerospace configurations. The solutio...
In this paper, we present an approved linear-time algorithm for statistical leakage analysis in the present of any spatial correlation condition (strong or weak). The new algorith...
: In this presentation, a short outline of the history of past and present Grid projects in research and industry is given, followed by some near- and long-term Grid scenarios and ...
The n-dimensional grid is one of the most representative patterns of data flow in parallel computation. The most frequently used scheduling models for grids is the unit execution ...
Theodore Andronikos, Nectarios Koziris, George K. ...
Computational Grids are becoming an increasingly important and powerful platform for the execution of largescale, resource-intensive applications. However, it remains a challenge ...