In the last decade, the focus of fault-tolerance methods has tended towards circuit level modifications, such as transistor resizing, and away from expensive system level redunda...
Keeping diagnostic resolution as high as possible while maximizing the compaction ratio is subject to research since the advent of embedded test. In this paper, we present a novel...
We present an efficient analog synthesis algorithm employing regression models of circuit matrices. Circuit matrix models achieve accurate and speedy synthesis of analog circuits...
The NETWORK-ON-CHIP (NOC) interconnection paradigm has been gaining momentum thanks to its flexibility, scalability and suitability to deep submicron technology processes. The ne...
This paper presents two fully polynomial-time sufficient feasibility tests for EDF when considering periodic tasks with arbitrary deadlines and preemptive scheduling on uniproces...
Alejandro Masrur, Sebastian Drossler, Georg Farber
Multi-input addition is an important operation for many DSP and video processing applications. On FPGAs, multi-input addition has traditionally been implemented using trees of car...
The current work describes a new standing wave oscillator scheme aimed for clock propagation on coplanar transmission lines on a silicon die. The design is aimed for clock signali...
Algebraic torus-based cryptosystems are an alternative for Public-Key Cryptography (PKC). It maintains the security of a larger group while the actual computations are performed i...
Junfeng Fan, Lejla Batina, Kazuo Sakiyama, Ingrid ...