OMG’s Model-Driven Architecture (MDA) has emerged as a new approach for the development of software. For this, the Query/View/Transformation (QVT) standard plays a central role,...
Angelika Kusel, Wieland Schwinger, Manuel Wimmer, ...
RISC processors can be used to face the ever increasing demand for performance required by embedded systems. Nevertheless, this solution comes with the cost of poor code density. ...
Leonardo Luiz Ecco, Bruno Cardoso Lopes, Eduardo C...
— As growing power dissipation and thermal effects disrupted the rising clock frequency trend and threatened to annul Moore’s law, the computing industry has switched its route...
—This paper presents a parallelized architecture for hardware acceleration of multi-view face detection. In our architecture, the multi-view face detection system generates rotat...
—With the appearance of massively parallel and inexpensive platforms such as the G80 generation of NVIDIA GPUs, more real-life applications will be designed or ported to these pl...
— In this paper, we present Parade, a novel and flexible parallel architecture for the deinterleaving of combined pulsetrains. This is a commonly performed task in various areas ...
—This paper describes a multi-threaded parallel design and implementation of the Smith-Waterman (SM) algorithm on compute unified device architecture (CUDA)-compatible graphic pr...
Abstract—One of the ways that custom instruction set extensions can improve over software execution is through the use of hardware structures that have been optimized at the arit...