This paper presents a novel concurrent fault simulator (called CONCERT) for nonlinear analog circuits. Three primary techniques in CONCERT, including fault ordering, state predict...
We consider the problem of scheduling the mixed workload of both sporadic (on-line) and periodic (off-line) tasks on variable voltage processor to optimize power consumption while...
We present a method for optimizing and automating component and transistor sizing for CMOS operational amplifiers. We observe that a wide variety of performance measures can be fo...
Maria del Mar Hershenson, Stephen P. Boyd, Thomas ...
Presented in this paper are 1) information-theoretic lower bounds on energy consumption of noisy digital gates and 2) the concept of noise tolerance via coding for achieving energy...
Abstract Althoughtremendousadvanceshave been accomplished in logic synthesis in the past two decades, in some cases logic synthesis still cannot attain the improvements possible by...
This paper presents two new algorithms, Redundant Vector Elimination(RVE) and Essential Fault Reduction (EFR), for generating compact test sets for combinational circuits under th...
Increases in delay due to coupling can have a dramatic impact on IC performance for deep submicron technologies. To achieve maximum performance there is a need for analyzing logic...
Paul D. Gross, Ravishankar Arunachalam, Karthik Ra...
In this paper, we propose a new logic synthesis methodology to deal with the increasing importance of the interconnect delay in deepsubmicron technologies. We first show that conv...
Wilsin Gosti, Amit Narayan, Robert K. Brayton, Alb...