— Legged robots can, in principle, traverse a large variety of obstacles and terrains. In this paper, we describe a successful application of reinforcement learning to the proble...
— A robotic device with haptic, tactile, and ultrasound capabilities, which can acquire and render information of breast pathology was developed. A physician interface that can e...
Nandagopal S. Methil, Yantao Shen, Danyu Zhu, Crai...
— The internal eye pressure is an important index for judging whether an eye suffers from glaucoma or not. The conventional eye pressure measurement is valid only under the condi...
Yuichi Kurita, Yoshichika Iida, Roland Kempf, Mako...
— This paper proposes a new autofocusing method for microbiological specimens, such as cells. The proposed focusing method used a quick focus estimation named “depth from diffr...
— We examine a team of robots with no centralized control performing a transportation task in which robots frequently interfere with each other, thus impairing overall team’s p...
– Mobile robots and passenger vehicles are frequently required to operate at high speeds, on terrain that is sloped or uneven. These systems can be susceptible to rollover, parti...
— This paper proposes an original and novel vision sensing method to be used in vision-based dynamic identification of parallel robots. Indeed, it is shown that in the latter pr...
Omar Ait-Aider, Nicolas Andreff, Philippe Martinet...