We propose an epistemic dynamic logic EDL able to represent the interactions between action and knowledge that are fundamental to planning under partial observability. EDL enables...
Wedefine an algebra of ternary relations for cyclic ordering of 2Dorientations. Thealgebra (1) is a refinement of the CYCORDtheory; (2) contains 24 atomic relations, hence 224 gen...
Providing good quality of service (e.g., low response times) in distributed computer systems requires measuring enduser perceptions of performance. Unfortunately, such measures ar...
The typical difficulty of various NP-hard problems varies with simple parameters describing their structure. This behavior is largely independent of the search algorithm, but depe...
We discuss the problems associated with managing ontologies in distributed environments such as the Web. The Web poses unique problems for the use of ontologies because of the rap...
The plethora of content available to the consumer has become overwhelming. Increasing amounts of information are being disseminated through terrestrial broadcast, satellite, and c...
Srinivas Gutta, Kaushal Kurapati, K. P. Lee, Jacqu...