We discuss what constitutes an integrated system in AI, and why AI researchers should be interested in building and studying them. Taking integrated systems to be ones that integr...
In design, multiple disparate goals must be addressed simultaneously. It is the thesis of this work that problems in two-dimensional layout design can be solved by collaboration a...
Answer-set programming (ASP) has emerged recently as a viable programming paradigm well attuned to search problems in AI, constraint satisfaction and combinatorics. Propositional ...
We consider computational issues in combining logical knowledge bases represented by their characteristic models; in particular, we study taking their logical intersection. We pre...
Manyproblems,such as the sliding-tile puzzles, generate searchtrees wheredifferent nodeshavedifferent numbersof children, in this case dependingon the position of the blank. Wesho...
Self-localisation is an essential competence for mobile robot navigation. Due to the fundamental unreliability of dead reckoning, a robot must depend on its perception of external...
In this paper, we develop a formal methodology for verifying situated agents. The methodology consists of two elements, a specification language for specifying the agent capabilit...
The bias-variance decomposition is a very useful and widely-used tool for understanding machine-learning algorithms. It was originally developed for squared loss. In recent years,...
We present a general, consistency-based framework for belief change. Informally, in revising K by , we begin with and incorporate as much of K as consistently possible. Formally, ...
This paper describes a logical machineryfor computing decisions based on an ATMSprocedure, wherethe available knowledgeon the state of the world is describedbya possibilistic prop...
Didier Dubois, Daniel Le Berre, Henri Prade, R&eac...