We extend (and somewhat simplify) the algebraic proof technique of Guth and Katz [7], to obtain several sharp bounds on the number of incidences between lines and points in three ...
Abstract. Neurobiological studies showed the important role of Centeral Pattern Generators for spinal cord in the control and sensory feedback of animals' locomotion. In this ...
John Nassour, Patrick Henaff, Fathi Ben Ouezdou, G...
Abstract—This paper presents the analysis of motion of a redundant anthropomorphic arm during the writing. The modeling is based on the separation of the prescribed movement into...
Design and analysis of articulated mechanical structures, commonly referred to as linkages, is an integral part of any CAD/CAM system. The most common approaches formulate the pro...
Let L be a set of n lines in Rd , for d 3. A joint of L is a point incident to at least d lines of L, not all in a common hyperplane. Using a very simple algebraic proof techniqu...
Kinematics is the analysis of motions without regarding forces or inertial effects, with the purpose of understanding joint behaviour. Kinematic data of linked joints, for example...
Peter R. Krekel, Edward R. Valstar, Jurriaan De Gr...
Modeling of 3-D Joint Set Interpretation In order to estimate rock joint parameters, such as strikes and dips which geologists often inspect on site andlor calculate through 3Djoin...
We present a novel approach we call partitioning where the robot's degrees- of-freedom (D OF) are categorized into two classes based on joint kinematics and dynamics to desig...
We present a general joint component framework model that is capable of exhibiting complex behavior of joints in articulated figures. The joints are capable of handling non-ortho...
The joint controllers used in robots like the Sony Aibo are designed for the task of moving the joints of the robot to a given position. However, they are not well suited to the pr...