
119views more  CVGIP 2002»
13 years 12 months ago
Compressing the Property Mapping of Polygon Meshes
Many polygon meshes have properties such as shading normals, colours, texture coordinates, and/or material attributes that are associated with the vertices, faces or corners of th...
Martin Isenburg, Jack Snoeyink
98views more  CGF 2007»
13 years 12 months ago
Distance-Ranked Connectivity Compression of Triangle Meshes
We present a new, single-rate method for compressing the connectivity information of a connected 2-manifold triangle mesh with or without boundary. Traditional compression schemes...
Patrick Marais, James E. Gain, D. Shreiner
135views more  CGF 2002»
13 years 12 months ago
Slow Growing Subdivision (SGS) in Any Dimension: Towards Removing the Curse of Dimensionality
In recent years subdivision methods have been one of the most successful techniques applied to the multi-resolution representation and visualization of surface meshes. Extension t...
Valerio Pascucci
123views more  CGF 2002»
13 years 12 months ago
A Frequency-Domain Approach to Watermarking 3D Shapes
This paper presents a robust watermarking algorithm with informed detection for 3D polygonal meshes. The algorithm is based on our previous algorithm [22] that employs mesh-spectr...
Ryutarou Ohbuchi, Akio Mukaiyama, Shigeo Takahashi
96views more  CGF 2000»
13 years 12 months ago
An interactive approach to point cloud triangulation
We present an interactive system for the generation of high quality triangle meshes that allows us to handle hybrid geometry (point clouds, polygons, ...) as input data. In order ...
Leif Kobbelt, Mario Botsch
125views more  COMPUTING 2004»
13 years 12 months ago
Robust Spherical Parameterization of Triangular Meshes
Parameterization of 3D mesh data is important for many graphics and mesh processing applications, in particular for texture mapping, remeshing and morphing. Closed, manifold, genu...
Alla Sheffer, Craig Gotsman, Nira Dyn
95views more  CGF 2004»
13 years 12 months ago
Hierarchical Retargetting of Fine Facial Motions
We present a novel technique for retargetting captured facial animation to new facial models. We use dense motion data that can express fine motions such as wrinkles. We use a nor...
Kyunggun Na, Moonryul Jung
13 years 12 months ago
Compression of 3D triangular meshes with progressive precision
In this paper we introduce a novel approach for progressive transmission of three-dimensional (3D) triangular meshes. This algorithm is based on a new reversing approach of the ir...
Sébastien Valette, Alexandre Gouaillard, R&...
13 years 12 months ago
Parallel unstructured mesh generation by an advancing front method
Mesh generation is a critical step in high fidelity computational simulations. High-quality and high-density meshes are required to accurately capture the complex physical phenome...
Yasushi Ito, Alan M. Shih, Anil K. Erukala, Bharat...
88views more  VC 2008»
13 years 12 months ago
Evolution of T-spline level sets for meshing non-uniformly sampled and incomplete data
Given a large set of unorganized point sample data, we propose a new framework for computing a triangular mesh representing an approximating piecewise smooth surface. The data may ...
Huaiping Yang, Bert Jüttler