
161views more  BMCBI 2010»
14 years 3 months ago
GeneMesh: a web-based microarray analysis tool for relating differentially expressed genes to MeSH terms
Background: An important objective of DNA microarray-based gene expression experimentation is determining interrelationships that exist between differentially expressed genes and ...
Saurin D. Jani, Gary L. Argraves, Jeremy L. Barth,...
159views more  ADHOC 2007»
14 years 3 months ago
Cross-layer adaptive control for wireless mesh networks
Abstract— This paper investigates optimal routing and adaptive scheduling in a wireless mesh network composed of mesh clients and mesh routers. The mesh clients are power constra...
Michael J. Neely, Rahul Urgaonkar
108views more  ADHOC 2008»
14 years 3 months ago
IEEE 802.11s wireless mesh networks: Framework and challenges
Wireless mesh networking based on 802.11 wireless local area network (WLAN) has been actively explored for a few years. To improve the performance of WLAN mesh networks, a few new...
Xudong Wang, Azman Osman Lim
147views more  ADCM 2010»
14 years 3 months ago
Edge offset meshes in Laguerre geometry
A mesh M with planar faces is called an edge offset (EO) mesh if there exists a combinatorially equivalent mesh M d such that corresponding edges of M and M d lie on parallel lines...
Helmut Pottmann, Philipp Grohs, Bernhard Blaschitz
14 years 3 months ago
Using Intelligent Agents to Build Navigation Meshes
We present a novel algorithm that allows agents to discover a navigation mesh for an environment as they move through the environment. The Navigation-Mesh Automated Discovery (NMA...
D. Hunter Hale, G. Michael Youngblood, Nikhil S. K...
155views Visualization» more  VMV 2007»
14 years 4 months ago
Accurate Computation of Geodesic Distance Fields for Polygonal Curves on Triangle Meshes
We present an algorithm for the efficient and accurate computation of geodesic distance fields on triangle meshes. We generalize the algorithm originally proposed by Surazhsky e...
David Bommes, Leif Kobbelt
116views Visualization» more  VMV 2000»
14 years 4 months ago
Quadrilateral Remeshing
The use of polygonal meshes, especially triangle meshes, is manifold but a lot of algorithms require the mesh to be structured in a certain way and cannot be applied to an arbitra...
Kai Hormann, Günther Greiner
14 years 4 months ago
Explicit Surface Remeshing
We present a new remeshing scheme based on the idea of improving mesh quality by a series of local modifications of the mesh geometry and connectivity. Our contribution to the fa...
Vitaly Surazhsky, Craig Gotsman
14 years 4 months ago
A Case for Mesh-Tree-Interaction in End System Multicasting
Abstract. End System Multicasting (ESM) is fast becoming a feasible alternative to IP multicasting. ESM approaches can be broadly classified into two main categories: (i) Tree firs...
Anirban Chakrabarti, Govindarasu Manimaran
14 years 4 months ago
Watermarking 3D Polygonal Meshes in the Mesh Spectral Domain
Digital watermarking embeds a structure called watermark into the target data, such as image and 3D polygonal models. The watermark can be used, for example, to enforce copyright ...
Ryutarou Ohbuchi, Shigeo Takahashi, Takahiko Miyaz...