PHEPS (pH-dependent Protein Electrostatics Server) is a web service for fast prediction and experiment planning support, as well as for correlation and analysis of experimentally ...
The mitochondrial genome, contained in the subcellular mitochondrial network, encodes a small number of peptides pivotal for cellular energy production. Mitochondrialgenesarehighl...
An entire family of methodologies for predicting protein interactions is based on the observed fact that families of interacting proteins tend to have similar phylogenetic trees d...
Individual zinc finger (ZF) domains that recognize DNA triplets with high specificity and affinity can be used to create designer transcription factors and nucleases that are spec...
The OrthoMCL database (http://orthomcl.cbil.upenn. edu) houses ortholog group predictions for 55 spe10 cies, including 16 bacterial and 4 archaeal genomes representing phylogeneti...
Feng Chen, Aaron J. Mackey, Christian J. Stoeckert...
The increasing availability of structurally aligned protein families has made it possible to use statistical methods to discover regions of interpositional dependenciesof residue ...
siVirus ( is a web-based online software system that provides efficient short interfering RNA (siRNA) design for antiviral RNA interference (RNAi). siVirus...
PROFtmb predicts transmembrane beta-barrel (TMB) proteins in Gram-negative bacteria. For each query protein, PROFtmb provides both a Z-value indicating that the protein actually c...
EMAGE ( is a freely available, curated database of gene expression patterns generated by in situ techniques in the developing mouse embry...
Jeffrey H. Christiansen, Yiya Yang, Shanmugasundar...
We present YOGY a web-based resource for orthologous proteins from nine eukaryotic organisms: Homo sapiens, Mus musculus, Rattus norvegicus, Arabidopsis thaliana, Drosophila melan...
Christopher J. Penkett, James A. Morris, Valerie W...