
13 years 11 months ago
Thin Junction Trees
We present an algorithm that induces a class of models with thin junction trees--models that are characterized by an upper bound on the size of the maximal cliques of their triang...
Francis R. Bach, Michael I. Jordan
13 years 11 months ago
KLD-Sampling: Adaptive Particle Filters
Over the last years, particle filters have been applied with great success to a variety of state estimation problems. We present a statistical approach to increasing the efficienc...
Dieter Fox
13 years 11 months ago
Sampling Techniques for Kernel Methods
We propose randomized techniques for speeding up Kernel Principal Component Analysis on three levels: sampling and quantization of the Gram matrix in training, randomized rounding...
Dimitris Achlioptas, Frank McSherry, Bernhard Sch&...
13 years 11 months ago
Bayesian morphometry of hippocampal cells suggests same-cell somatodendritic repulsion
Visual inspection of neurons suggests that dendritic orientation may be determined both by internal constraints (e.g. membrane tension) and by external vector fields (e.g. neurotr...
Giorgio A. Ascoli, Alexei V. Samsonovich
13 years 11 months ago
Reinforcement Learning with Long Short-Term Memory
This paper presents reinforcement learning with a Long ShortTerm Memory recurrent neural network: RL-LSTM. Model-free RL-LSTM using Advantage learning and directed exploration can...
Bram Bakker
13 years 11 months ago
Kernel Projection Machine: a New Tool for Pattern Recognition
This paper investigates the effect of Kernel Principal Component Analysis (KPCA) within the classification framework, essentially the regularization properties of this dimensional...
Laurent Zwald, Régis Vert, Gilles Blanchard...
13 years 11 months ago
A Direct Formulation for Sparse PCA Using Semidefinite Programming
We examine the problem of approximating, in the Frobenius-norm sense, a positive, semidefinite symmetric matrix by a rank-one matrix, with an upper bound on the cardinality of its...
Alexandre d'Aspremont, Laurent El Ghaoui, Michael ...
13 years 11 months ago
Nonparametric Transforms of Graph Kernels for Semi-Supervised Learning
We present an algorithm based on convex optimization for constructing kernels for semi-supervised learning. The kernel matrices are derived from the spectral decomposition of grap...
Xiaojin Zhu, Jaz S. Kandola, Zoubin Ghahramani, Jo...
13 years 11 months ago
Semi-supervised Learning on Directed Graphs
Given a directed graph in which some of the nodes are labeled, we investigate the question of how to exploit the link structure of the graph to infer the labels of the remaining u...
Dengyong Zhou, Bernhard Schölkopf, Thomas Hof...