— Multiple power supply voltages are often used in modern high performance ICs such as microprocessors to decrease power consumption without affecting circuit speed. The system o...
Modern System-on-Chip (SoC) environments are swamped in high frequency noise that is generated by RF and digital circuits and propagated onto supply rails through capacitive coupli...
– The design of a free piston compressor (FPC) intended as a pneumatic power supply for pneumatically actuated autonomous robots is presented in this paper. The FPC is a proposed...
In recent times, much attention has been devoted to power optimization for real-time systems, while guaranteeing that such systems meet their hard (or soft) scheduling deadlines. ...
— Violations in the timing constraints of a clocked register can cause a synchronous system to malfunction. The effects of variations in the power supply voltage (VDD) on the tim...
The peak power consumption of hardware components affects their power supply, packaging, and cooling requirements. When the peak power consumption is high, the hardware components...
Bruno Diniz, Dorgival Olavo Guedes Neto, Wagner Me...
— Recent efforts to address microprocessor power dissipation through aggressive supply voltage scaling and power management require that designers be increasingly cognizant of po...
Meeta Sharma Gupta, Jarod L. Oatley, Russ Joseph, ...