The autocorrelation function of a sequence is a measure for how much the given sequence di ers from its translates. Periodic binary sequences with good correlation properties have...
We consider two models commonly used in the literature to model adversarial injection of packets into a packet switching network. We establish the relation between these two types...
One class of Davenport-Schinzel sequences consists of finite sequences over n symbols without immediate repetitions and without any subsequence of the type abab. We present a bij...
The set of all linear recurrence relations satisfied by given sequences of finite length is described by the annihilator ideal of the sequences. The MasseyDing algorithm to compu...
tmRNA (also known as 10Sa RNA) is so-named for its dual tRNA-like and mRNA-like nature. It is employed in a remarkable trans-translation process to add a Cterminal peptide tag to ...
Expressed sequence tags (ESTs) have provided a first glimpse of the collection of transcribed sequences in a variety of organisms. However, a careful analysis of this sequence dat...
John Quackenbush, Feng Liang, Ingeborg Holt, Geo P...
Background: The identification of species or species groups with specific oligo-nucleotides as molecular signatures is becoming increasingly popular for bacterial samples. However...
Background: Biologists are often interested in performing a simple database search to identify proteins or genes that contain a well-defined sequence pattern. Many databases do no...
Background: This paper addresses the problem of discovering transcription factor binding sites in heterogeneous sequence data, which includes regulatory sequences of one or more g...