In this paper, we propose the first metal-density driven placement algorithm to reduce CMP variation and achieve higher routability. Based on an analytical placement framework, we...
Tung-Chieh Chen, Minsik Cho, David Z. Pan, Yao-Wen...
Abstract--The fabrication of crossbar memories with sublithographic features is expected to be feasible within several emerging technologies; in all of them, the nanowire (NW) deco...
M. Haykel Ben Jamaa, Kirsten E. Moselund, David At...
Given a set of pins and a set of obstacles on routing layers, a multilayer obstacle-avoiding rectilinear Steiner minimal tree (ML-OARSMT) connects these pins by rectilinear edges w...
Recently, the microprocessor industry is headed in the direction of multicore designs in order to continue the chip performance growth. We investigate buffer insertion, which is a ...
New fusion memory devices consisting of multiple heterogeneous memory components in a single die or package offer efficient ways to optimize embedded systems in terms of energy, pe...
Yongsoo Joo, Yongseok Choi, Jaehyun Park, Chanik P...
Abstract--Designers and high-level synthesis tools can introduce unwanted cycles in digital circuits, and for certain combinational functions, cyclic circuits that are stable and d...
Boolean matching is one of the enabling techniques for technology mapping and logic resynthesis of Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA). SAT-based Boolean matching (SAT-BM) has bee...
Abstract--Design of a suitable power gating (e.g., multithreshold CMOS or super cutoff CMOS) structure is an important and challenging task in sub-90nm VLSI circuits where leakage ...
Power consumption has emerged as the premier and most constraining aspect in modern microprocessor and application-specific designs. Gate sizing has been shown to be one of the mos...
Foad Dabiri, Ani Nahapetian, Tammara Massey, Miodr...
Three-dimensional integration has the potential to improve the communication latency and integration density of chip-level multiprocessors (CMPs). However, the stacked highpower de...
Changyun Zhu, Zhenyu (Peter) Gu, Li Shang, Robert ...