Abstract-- In this paper, we present a very fast and accurate rectilinear Steiner minimal tree (RSMT) algorithm called FLUTE. FLUTE is based on pre-computed lookup table to make RS...
Embedded systems are constrained by the available memory. Code-compression techniques address this issue by reducing the code size of application programs. It is a major challenge ...
Functional correctness is a vital attribute of any hardware design. Unfortunately, due to extremely complex architectures, widespread components, such as microprocessors, are often...
This paper describes an integer-linear-programming (ILP)-based system called Custom Hardware Instruction Processor Synthesis (CHIPS) that identifies custom instructions for critica...
This paper presents a fast and accurate solution, namely Fashion, to routability-driven global routing problem. Fashion is based on two efficient yet effective techniques: 1) dynam...
Abstract--Thermal issues are fast becoming major design constraints in high-performance systems. Temperature variations adversely affect system reliability and prompt worst-case de...
Amit Kumar 0002, Li Shang, Li-Shiuan Peh, Niraj K....
Given a set of pins and a set of obstacles on a plane, an obstacle-avoiding rectilinear Steiner minimal tree (OARSMT) connects these pins, possibly through some additional points (...
BDDs have proven to be an efficient means to represent and manipulate Boolean formulae [1] and sets [2] due to their compactness and canonicality. In this work, we leverage the eff...