

Manipulation Planning for Knotting/Unknotting and Tightly Tying of Deformable Linear Objects

14 years 8 months ago
Manipulation Planning for Knotting/Unknotting and Tightly Tying of Deformable Linear Objects
— A planning method for knotting/unknotting and tightening manipulation of deformable linear objects is proposed. It is important for linear object manipulation in industrial/medical field to analyze knotting. Modeling of knotting/unknotting process is useful for design of knotting/unknotting system with different mechanism from human arms/hands and manipulation planning suitable for such system. Firstly, knotting/unknotting processes of a linear object is represented as a sequence of finite crossing state transitions. Secondly, grasping points and their moving direction to perform each state transition are defined. Then, possible qualitative manipulation plans can be generated on a computer system once the initial state and the objective state of a linear object are given. Thirdly, a planning method for tightly tying is proposed. Pulling parts for tightening knots can be determined by using this method. Finally, an experiment for tying an overhand knot by our developed system is ...
Hidefumi Wakamatsu, Akira Tsumaya, Eiji Arai, Shin
Added 25 Jun 2010
Updated 25 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2005
Where ICRA
Authors Hidefumi Wakamatsu, Akira Tsumaya, Eiji Arai, Shinichi Hirai
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