13 years 6 months ago
2011 ACM
Discovering rare categories and classifying new instances of them is
an important data mining issue in many fields, but fully supervised
learning of a rare class classifier is pr...
13 years 3 months ago
2011 ACM
Abstract. The concept of similarity is fundamentally important in almost every scientific field. Clustering, distance-based outlier detection, classification, regression and sea...
13 years 3 months ago
2011 ACM
A structural similarity kernel is presented in this paper for SVM learning, especially for learning with imbalanced datasets. Kernels in SVM are usually pairwise, comparing the sim...
13 years 3 months ago
2011 ACM
Discovering rare categories and classifying new instances of them is an important data mining issue in many fields, but fully supervised learning of a rare class classifier is pr...
13 years 3 months ago
2011 ACM
Abstract. Previous studies on social networks are often focused on networks with only positive relations between individual nodes. As a significant extension, we conduct the spectr...